Jan 23, 2017
Starling Tribune – Season 5.5 Edition – Legends Of TomorrowShogun (A CW Network Arrow Television Show Fan Podcast) #136
The Official Arrow Podcast of the Gonna Geek Network
Episode:“Shogun” [Season 2 Episode 3]
Air Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016
Director: Kevin Tancharoen
8x Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D | 1x Legends | 1x Arrow | 2x The Flash |1x Supergirl
Writers: Phil Klemmer
7x Legends | 3x Forever | 12x Chuck
Grainne Godfree
6x Legends | 6x The Flash | 1x Arrow (teleplay)
Weekly Ratings
Legends Of Tomorrow
Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating
01 Out Of Time 13-Oct-2016 3.01
02 Justice Society of America 20-Oct-2016 2.83
03 Shogun 27-Oct-2016 2.71
Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating
01 The Adventures of Supergirl 10-Oct-16 3.06
02 The Last Children of Krypton 17-Oct-16 2.66
03 Welcome to Earth 24-Oct-16 2.65
04 Survivors 31-Oct-16 2.22
05 Crossfire 7-Nov-16 2.47
06 Changing 14-Nov-16 2.35
07 The Darkest Place 21-Nov-16 2.61
08 Medusa 28-Nov-16 3.53
09 Supergirl Lives 23-Jan-17
Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating
01 Flashpoint 4-Oct-16 3.17
02 Paradox 11-Oct-16 2.80
03 Magenta 18-Oct-16 2.67
04 The New Rogues 25-Oct-16 2.80
05 Monster 1-Nov-16 2.77
06 Shade 15-Nov-16 3.01
07 Killer Frost 22-Nov-16 2.95
08 Invasion! 29-Nov-16 4.15
09 The Present 6-Dec-16 3.14
10 Borrowing Problems From The Future 24-Jan-17
Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating
01 Legacy 5-Oct-16 1.89
02 The Recruits 12-Oct-16 1.94
03 A Matter Of Trust 19-Oct-16 1.79
04 Penance 26-Oct-16 1.87
05 Human Target 2-Nov-16 1.61
06 So It Begins 9-Nov-16 1.95
07 Vigilante 16-Nov-16 1.86
08 Invasion! 30-Nov-16 3.55
09 What We Leave Behind 7-Dec-16 1.94
10 Who Are You 25-Jan-17
11 Second Chances TBD
12 Bratva TBD
13 Spectre Of The Gun TBD
14 The Sin-Easter TBD
- What was theoverall theme for thisepisode / What was the link to the ep. name
- Land in feudal Japan
- Shogun is a hereditary commander-in-chief
- Fight scenes & Stunts: Share your thoughts
- Shogun in Ray’s suit
- Sara in sword fight w/2nd in command; Vixen helps
- Shogun figures out how to work suit, have to flee
- End fight
- Sara and Vixen protect village
- Sara takes out several men with just 2 swords
- Vixen joins fight - swords
- Mick finally joins - in ninja outfit
- Sara v. 2nd again - one pass - similiar to Seven
- Samurai - but she uses a knife
- Mick solo in forest - fights ninjas
- Ray fights Shogun - sword v. Atom armor
- Does some damage
- Masako tries to fight
- Finally Nate shows up
- Sara and Vixen protect village
- Shogun in Ray’s suit
- Time Travel: Share your thoughts
- Ray can follow you if you fall out of the Waverider
- Sara tells Vixen that because they are up against another timetraveler, they can’t just go back in time and save Rex
- Team decides to protect village from Shogun
- Masako doesn’t marry Shogun - he’s noted for killing wives
- Nate interferes; Shogun won’t marry her because he’s an“asshat”
- Nate says they can’t leave because of Shogun and Ray agreesbecause Shogun has his suit
- Nate shares words from Master Yoda
- Isn’t preventing the marriage changing history?
- Or did they save it because Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) marriedMaseo Yamashiro?
- Sara Lance / White Canary
- Coming into own as leader
- Understands why Vixen attacked them
- “I’m basically a ninja”
- “League of Assassins, class of 09”
- Ray Palmer / The Atom
- Tries to teach Nate how to use powers
- Loses the suit -- again
- More about if he’s a hero w/o suit
- Swallows magic babble pill to speak Japanese
- Fights his way out of cell
- Gets talk and armor from Ichiro; person is more important thanthe armor; armor dinged up, then did its job
- Sacrifices suit to save day
- Mick Rory / Heat Wave
- Excited to fight ninjas
- Defends himself to Vixen; he’s risking his life for two moronsbecause they would do the same for him
- Finding Rex’s killer not his problem - look from Vixen - let’skill the bastard
- Martin Stein / Firestorm
- Has Gideon run a scan to double check Jax’s work
- Encourages Jax to find room
- Have to keep message a secret
- Jefferson Jackson / Firestorm
- Discovers secret room on ship filled with weapons and messagefrom future Barry
- Fixes Waverider - Rip made sure he knew every inch of ship
- Nate Heywood / Steel
- Nazi serum gives him powers
- Decides to be Steel
- Ray tries to teach him how to activate powers
- Playing around crashes open Waverider, lands in Japan; speaksJapanese
- White guy savior trope / falls for women getting married nextday trope
- Gets cocky; stands up to Shogun’s henchmen and getsstabbed
- Finally performs when Masako is threatened
- Amaya Jiwe / Vixen
- Rex’s final words leads her to stow away on Waverider
- Takes down Stein, Ray, Sara, Jax; accuses Mick of killingRex
- Fights Mick, taken out by a steeled-out Nate
- Not a fan of Mick
- From village - totem one of 5 to protect people
- Totem harnesses spirit of animals
- Recruited by JSA
- Gives Mick proof ninjas exists - says Mick acts like ameathead, but has heart of a man who can be a hero
- Rip Hunter
- Gideon
- How come she didn’t tell team Vixen snuck on?
- “We’re screwed”
- Maker of clothes
- “Captain Hunter always enjoyed this song” - Time is on myside
- Justice Society of America (JSA)
- Rex Tyler/Hourman -
- Obsidian -
- Commander Steel -
- Dr. Mid-Nite -
- Stargirl -
- Legion of Doom
- Damien Darhk
- Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash
- Malcolm Merlyn
Season 02 Episode 03 “Shogun” (Date: 27 Oct2016)
- CITIZEN STEEL - In the comics, Nate Heywood has powers that upto this point had never been depicted onscreen. This time around,he got a version of the Steel powers -- and, as in the comics, itcomes from Nazis trying to take out the JSA who inadvertentlyprovide him with abilities.
- TO BE MARRIED TOMORROW - The idea that the beautiful girl hehappens upon is set to be married tomorrow to the Shogun -- looselytranslated as "Royal Ugly Dude" -- feels like the kind of thingthat pops up from time to time in time-travel fiction...but Bill &Ted is the most obvious one for us.
- LOST - "If I've learned one thing from Lost, it's that youdon't go opening secret hatches." This is one of a couple ofnot-so-subtle pop culture references this week. Typically thosedon't make the "Easter eggs" lists, but we're acknowledging more ofthem this year since last season we had lots of fans chiming in tolet us know that we "missed" them in the comments. Obviously,that's a reference to the long-running network drama LOST, one ofthe big mysteries of which revolved around a hatch into anunderground chamber which, rather than providing the answers thecharacters hoped, only resulted in more questions.
- 2056 - There are a few superheroes -- notably The Flash andGreen Lantern -- who have spent time in the not-too-distant futurequite a bit in their careers, but the year 2056 doesn't come upspecifically in the comics. Where it does come up is in YoungJustice, the animated series in which Barry Allen's grandson Bart(Impulse/Kid Flash/Flash) played a key role. In that version of thestory, Bart comes from a future where The Reach has conquered Earthand travels back in time to join Young Justice, which in part couldpotentially help to alter that dark future.
- MASTER YODA - Of course, almost anyone would know thatthe reference to Ray Palmer's "sensei" Yoda, who shared the wisdom"do or do not; there is no try," is a nod to The Empire StrikesBack, in which the diminutive Jedi Master trained Luke Skywalker toharness the Force.
- THE SOULTAKER - It's established by the end of the episode thatthe young woman Nate wanted to help was pretty capable of defendingherself under normal circumstances. She's from the clan Yamashiro,which if you don't recognize, you ought to. Not only did herdescendant Tatsu Yamashiro and her husband Maseo recur throughoutseason 3 of Arrow, but Tatsu also appeared in this summer's SuicideSquad movie in her costumed identity as Katana. That sword? It'sthe Soultaker which, in the comics and in the Suicide Squad movie,absorbs the soul energy of the people killed with it.
- Marc Guggenheim reveals Ep 16 Title: Checkmate (Date: 19Jan 2017)
* The sixteenth episode of Arrow's fifth season has gone intoproduction, and EP Marc Guggenheim has given some insightinto what's coming up with a peek at the episode's title.
* The episode is called "Checkmate," which Guggenheim assures usthat it does not refer to the spy agency formerly run by MaxwellLord and Amanda Waller in thecomics.
Link:http://comicbook.com/2017/01/19/arrow-episode-16-title-revealed-by-executive-producer/ - ARROW SYNOPSIS TEASES PROPER INTRODUCTION FOR TALIA AL GHUL(Date: 14 Jan 2017)
Titled “Second Chances,” the Feb. 1 episode will see Oliver Queenteam up with Talia in flashbacks in an effort to defeat Russiangovernment strongman Kovar. TALIA AL GHUL TAKES OLIVER UNDER HERWING — In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver (Stephen Amell) getshelp from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul (guest star LexaDoig). However, when she reveals what she wants from him inexchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept herhelp.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/arrow-synopsis-teases-proper-introduction-for-talia-al-ghul/ - Katrina Law On Whether ARROW Will Have A Nyssa And Talia AlGhul Family Reunion (Date: 12 Jan 2017)
Katrina Law's Nyssa al Ghul has yet to make an appearance in season5 of Arrow but her sister, Talia, is set to appear soon, played byLexa Doig. Does that mean Nyssa will be returning as well?Cinemablend recently caught up with Law to discuss her role in theTraining Day TV adaptation from CBS but also asked about a possibleArrow guest spot. "There’s always talk. Whether or not those talkswill ever come to fruition is another matter, but I would love tohave a reunion with Talia. I just think having the two sisterseither fight side by side together or fight with each other wouldbe epic either way. And then if we could somehow do some sort offlashback with Ra’s al Ghul coming in as well… Let’s petition tomake that happen." But before you get your hopes up, Law cautionedthat the shooting schedule for Training Day makes it difficult forher to get away to Vancouver, where Arrowfilms.
Link:https://www.comicbookmovie.com/tv/dc/arrow/katrina-law-on-whether-arrow-will-have-a-nyssa-and-talia-al-ghul-a148121 - A New Female Vigilante Is Coming To Arrow (Date: 16 Jan2017)
Part of the synopsis for episode 11 states: “Meanwhile, Curtis(Echo Kellum), tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland(Juliana Harkavy) he uncovered on-line who has been wreaking havocall over the country.” Tina Boland… a vigilante with no code name.And the description of those who have seen her on the set is thatshe wears all black. Put that with the executive producer WendyMericle saying that Green Arrow needs Black Canary and thespoiler-ish trailer telling us that the Laurel Lance we’ve seen isthe Earth-2 version… this is making people on-line question if TinaBoland will become the new Black Canary. Earth-1 Laurel asked Ollieto not let the Black Canary end with her. Only the Earth-2 Laurelsolves the problem of the Canary Cry being natural, but having hergo through a full redemption arc compared to bringing in a newcharacter all together might make Tina the better choice. We knowshe ends up joining with Team Arrow against Prometheus… but willshe do it in a familiar black outfit?
Link:https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/01/16/new-female-vigilante-coming-arrow/ - Arrow Will Have a Dolph Lundgren-Heavy Episode Set Mostly inthe Russia Flashbacks This Season (Date: 17 Jan 2017)
Action movie icon Dolph Lundgren will take center stage in anupcoming Arrow episode set almost entirely during the flashbackslater this season. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim toldComicBook.com that he and the writers were aware of the excitementfans have for both Lundgren and the Bratva flashbacks, as well asthe additional social media attention on all things Russian justnow, all of which makes the episode seem like a good way to fill insome backstory. "Russia is very much in the zeitgeist these days,and coming into the back half of the year, we're doing a lot morewith Russia," Guggenheim told ComicBook.com. "We're going to do aRussia-centric episode, a flashback-centric episode like we did inthe first three years of the show. We'll be doing that later on inthe season and that will have Dolph Lundgren's character,Konstantin Kovar, very much front andcenter."
Link:http://comicbook.com/2017/01/18/arrow-will-have-a-dolph-lundgren-heavy-episode-set-mostly-in-the/ - Arrow Season 5 Extended Trailer - 'This Is Getting Good'(Date: 18 Jan 2017)
The CW has just debuted a new trailer ahead of next week's newepisode, and it focuses on the questions surrounding Laurel'ssudden reappearance. After Oliver sees her, he begins to wonder ifwhat he's seeing is real. The remaining issues surroundingPrometheus are still weighing heavy on Oliver and the team, and itsends him further into a state of disbelief. For anyone in thatworld, it's a difficult time to understand what's going on aroundyou. In addition to the teasing of these complicated plot lines,the new trailer features a ton of action. In fact, we may be seeingsome of the best action in the show's five-year run.
The trailer ends with Wild Dog saying what many fans are thinkingfollowing the intense footage, "This is gettinggood!"
Link:http://comicbook.com/2017/01/18/arrow-season-5-extended-trailer-this-is-getting-good/ - Arrow Episode 16 Title Revealed By Executive Producer(Date: 19 Jan 2017)
The episode is called "Checkmate," which Guggenheim assures doesnot refer to the spy agency formerly run by Maxwell Lord and AmandaWaller in the comics. Beth Schwartz and Sarah Tarkoff wrote theepisode, which will be the directorial debut of Ken Shane, aveteran second unit director and assistant director who has notonly worked on Arrow for years but also worked on Alien 3 and TimBurton's Batman.
Link:http://comicbook.com/2017/01/19/arrow-episode-16-title-revealed-by-executive-producer/ - Title (Date: xx month year)
A photo was posted to Smith’s Instagram page and shows himsandwiched in-between two menacing looking aliens. Those aliens,you might remember, were teased in the “Supergirl Lives” extendedtrailer that the CW released the other day. As it turns out, thatalien species has a name, and they are Maaldorians. It seems likethis particular alien species was created specifically for thisepisode, so it’s unknown what the aspects and abilities of themwill be. Whatever powers they may possess, it seems like Supergirlcan still take them down with no problem, as she punches one withno hesitation in thetrailer.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/kevin-smith-teases-new-alien-species-in-supergirl/ - Neil A FLASH ALUM TEASES UNEXPECTED RETURN(Date: 16 Jan 2017)
When a television series frequently features time travel, alternatetimelines and alternate universes, a character’s death doesn’tnecessarily have the usual feeling of finality. Central City PoliceDetective Eddie Thawne after actor Rick Consett announced todaythat he’s coming back to The CW drama. How Eddie Thawne findshimself back in Star City remains to be seen. The show was recentlyrenewed for a fourth season, and given the nature of the space-timecontinuum, the guest roles could keep coming forCosnett.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/a-flash-alum-teases-unexpected-return/ - Michelle SUPERGIRL TRAILER TEASES RETURN OFLIVEWIRE AND DOMINATORS (Date: 13 Jan 2017)
Fortunately, a new trailer for The CW’s “Supergirl” marks thereturn of the heroine for the second half of Season Two with theKevin Smith-directed “Supergirl Lives,” which sees Kara Danvers,played by Melissa Benoist, and Mon-El, portrayed by Chris Wood,traveling to another world to break up an alien slaver’s ring.Thetrailer also teases bigger events down the road. Long-running“Superman” villainess Livewire, played by Brit Morgan, will makeher return, and it looks as if greater emphasis will be placed onJimmy Olsen’s (Mechad Brooks) costume identity Guardian.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/supergirl-trailer-teases-return-of-livewire-and-dominators/ - Chris Legends of Tomorrow star WentworthMiller talks Captain Cold's return (Date: 11 Jan 2017)
After sacrificing himself in season 1 to destroy the Time Counciland save the Legends, Snart (Wentworth Miller) is slated to joinReverse-Flash (Matt Letscher), Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), andMalcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) in the Legion of Doom — and notjust as a vision in Mick’s (Dominic Purcell) head. How? Well, it isa time travel show, and it sounds like the Legion may be scoopingup Snart from an earlier time. “My sense is that if Snart comesback into the storyline via his present day incarnation, then he’sa straight up villain,” Miller tells EW — the actor was on hand atthe Television Critics Association’s press tour Wednesday topromote the return of Prison Break. “He hasn’t gone on that firstseason Legends of Tomorrow journey yet, so when we meet him again —quote unquote alive in 2017 — I imagine that he’s going to be muchlike when we first met him the first season on The Flash, which I’mlooking forward to, because it means I get to arc to a completelydifferent place.”
Link:http://ew.com/tv/2017/01/11/legends-of-tomorrow-star-wentworth-miller-captain-cold-return/ - THE FLASH: THE FUTURE ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE IN EXTENDEDTRAILER (Date: 17 Jan 2017)
In this extended trailer for “Borrowing Problems from the Future,”the mid-season premiere, Barry and Cisco work backwards to preventa future where Savitar kills Iris. HR Wells also toasts to Barryand Iris’ relationship, and the team assembles to outsmart Savitaronce and for all.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/the-flash-barry-cisco-head-back-to-the-future-in-extended-trailer/ - Michelle JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK: DEADMAN REACHESOUT TO BATMAN IN NEW CLIP (Date: 17 Jan 2017)
Batman is in for a nasty surprise. In a new clip from “JusticeLeague Dark,” Deadman reaches out for the Dark Knight’s help, buthe may just cross a boundary or two in order to do so.
The clip opens as Bruce Wayne prepares for a shave. As soon as hetouches his razor to his face, though, an unseen entity creeps upbehind him, and he appears to be completely oblivious to itspresence. When he becomes aware of it, it startles him enough thathe cuts his cheek, and the pain causes him to look away for a briefmoment. When he looks back up, he finds a name scrawled in thefogged up mirror:Constantine.
Link:http://www.cbr.com/justice-league-dark-deadman-reaches-out-to-batman-in-new-clip/?utm_source=CBR-TW&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=CBR-TW&view=list - Neil Kevin Smith Returning to Supergirl ForAnother Season 2 Episode (Date: 18 Jan 2017)
Smith told ComicBook.com that he will return for a second episodethis season -- the as-yet-untitled seventeenth episode of theseason. Smith said that midway through the episode “SupergirlLives”, producers started feeling out his schedule. Ultimately,they offered him episode 17, which he described as "sweet," sayingthat it was nice that producers liked the job he was doing enoughto bring him back within theseason.
DC Comics will raise the prices of 15 of its monthly “Rebirth”series starting in April, with cover prices increasing from $2.99to $3.99. Along with the price increase, DC will offer downloadcodes for a matching digital copy in the affected comic books.Here’s the full-list of series which will see a price increaseand/or added digital codes starting in April: “All Star Batman,”“Batgirl,” “Batgirl and the Birds of Prey,” “Batman Beyond,”“Batwoman,” “Blue Beetle,” “Cyborg,” “The Hellblazer,” “NewSuper-Man,” “Red Hood and the Outlaws,” “Super Sons,” “Supergirl,”“Superwoman,” “Teen Titans,” “Titans” and“Trinity.”
Link:http://www.cbr.com/dc-comics-raises-price-for-monthly-rebirth-titles-adds-digital-codes/ - Green Arrow Issue #15 (Date: 18 Jan 2017)
* “EMERALD OUTLAW” part four!
* Green Arrow’s relationship with Seattle’s finest disintegrateswhen a new murder seems to implicate him beyond a shadow of adoubt. Now Ollie must find the real killer and prove his innocencewhile evading capture by the police and a dangerous new vigilantegroup!
* Writer: Benjamin Percy | Pencils/Inks/Color: Juan E. Ferreyra |Letters: Nate Piekos Blambot
Link:https://www.comixology.com/Green-Arrow-2016-15/digital-comic/441646?ref=c2l0ZS9hamF4U2xpZGVyL2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC8xNTA3NQ - DC's 'Top Secret' Free Comic Book Day Titles Revealed(Date: 18 Jan 2017)
DC Comics have released detailed about its two "Top Secret" FreeComic Book Day titles to be offered on May 6 - a reprint of anissue of Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott's Wonder Woman, and a 32-pageexcerpt from the upcoming OGN DC Super Hero Girls: Summer Olympusby Shea Fontana and YancetLabat.
Promo for Next Week’s Episode - “Who Are You” (Date: 25 Jan2017)
Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F9POjINTCQ
Episode: “Who Are You?” [Season 5 Episode 10]
Air Date: Thursday,January 25, 2017
Summary: Worried thatPrometheus may be right about him being a killer, Oliver finds aray of hope in the apparent return of Laurel. Felicity swearsrevenge against Prometheus for causing Malone's death.
Director:Gregory Smith
Writers:Ben Sokolowski and Brian Ford Sullivan
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5584160/?ref_=ttep_ep_cur
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This podcast was recorded Thursday January 19th, 2017.
Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoyed the show!
Audio Production by Stargate Pioneer of GonnaGeek.com.