The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)

THE INTER LAKE, Wednesday, February 6, 1957 School District 5 Changes Age Rule Elementary School District 5 last night changed the age requirements for first graders because of anticipated Increases 111 enrollment, Por the past four years, the hoard ruling has boon that a child must hate reached his sixth birthday 011 betore Dre. 1. Nest sear, in line with action of other tirst-claNa schonls In the state, the Kalispell ruling will be that child mus! roach his sixth birthday 01' before vet. 15, 'The board also doctled to discontinue milk in the schools, duo to an increase In price of one cont half pint. The bond said they will do.

termino whether parents wish 1 to pay the extra cost, which would make it four cents per half pint. Board members accepted the recommendation of the superintendent to change reporting periods to nine-week haste from six weeks. Parent-teacher conferences would be at the end of the first nine weeks and at the end of the third nine weeks. Marriage License A marriage license was 1asued Feh. 5 by the Flathead County clerk of court to Oliver S.

Taylor, 21, Whitefish and Patricla D. Feich, 22, Whitefish. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE No. 5923 In the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Flathead. No.

5923 In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM J. OZBORN, Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given that in pursuance of an order of the Dist1rict Court of the County of Flathead, State of Montana, made in open Court on the 4th day of Fobruary, 1957. in the matter of the estate of William J. Ozborn, deceased, the undersigned, Calvin S.

Robinson, Administrator of the ostate of William J. Ozborn, deceas. ed. will sell on the 14th day of February, 1957, in the County of Flathead, State of Montana, to the highest bidder and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, at public sale, subject to the confirmation by the Judge of the above entitled District Court all the right, title. Interest and estate of said William J.

Ozborn, at the time of his death. and all the right. title and interest that the said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to that of the said J. Ozborn at the time of. his death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lydr.

and being in the said County of Flathead, State of Montana, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: School calendar for 1957-50, accopted by the hoard, calls for school to begin the day after Labor Day, Sept. 3, with Christmax vacation from Dee. 23 (0) Jun. 2, and the last day of school May 20. Trustees the financlal situation of the district relative to budgets for the coming year on the basis of the proposed foundation program, the present foundation program and the needs for nest year.

Enrollment figures show that the district will need A fifth grade at Peterson School, an additional fourth for fifth grade at Hedues School and An additional fourth grade at Russell School, Supt. D), I'. reported. Annual caucus of the hoard will be Fob. 22 at 8

at the Linderman building. Forms of ('al Robinson and Bud Manion will end this year. The hoard granted A. I'. (Andy) Anderson, Elrod School custodian, the right to resign in April, so that he mAy umpire in the Pioneer League.

Summer band program WAS cussed and it WAS pointed out that the program has outgrown the time of 1.110 Instructor. The board is considering whether to limit enrollment or to add 1 secfond instructor. The board! WAS Informed that fingerprinting of children for civil defense will (begin Monday. South of Deep Creek of the East Hall of the East Half of the East Half Southeast Quarter (E12- E'2 E'2 SE and the East Ilalf of the East Half of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (F12- GNE1 of Section Fourteen (14) Township Twenty-six 126) North of Range Twenty-one 121) West M.M. save and except a right-of-way for a Public IlighWAY running across the North part, or end of sald tract South of Deep Creek.

The Intention herein being to convey a tract of land of which said Deep Creek Is the Northern boundary. Said tract containing Twenty (20) acres, more or less; Terms and conditions of the sale are cash, with 10 per cent of the purchase price to he deposited at the time that the bid Is made, and the balance paid on confirmation of the sale by said Court. All bids and offers will be accepted at public auction to be held by the Administrator on Thursday, the 14th day of February, 1957, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. at the North door of the Flathead County Courthouse in Kallspell, Flathead County, Mon- tana. DATED at Kalispell, Montana, this 5th day of February, 1957.

CALVIN S. ROBINSON. Administrator. MURPHY ROBINSON, JAMES A. ROBISCION, Attorneys for the Administrator.

Room 217, Conrad Bank Building, Kalispell, Montana. that part lying and being (Feb. 6) YOUNG OR OLD Read this ad. If you don't see this film you'll miss the most breath-taking color film ever shot of the Northern Frontier, Don't Miss This Thrilling 2-Hour Color Film of AMERICA'S ALASKA WONDERLAND The Most Complete and Authentic Picture Ever Filmed of Alaska! WILD LIFE IN ACTION LAKE GEORGE BREAK -UP (Never Before Filmed) ESKIMO VILLAGE LIFE SPORT FISHING AT ITS BEST ACTIVE VOLCANOES AND GLACIERS SHOWING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN KALISPELL Took 7 Years To Film No Game Killed in This Picture Sponsored by FLATHEAD SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND Thursday and Friday February 7 and 8 8:00 P.M. Both Nights Flathead County HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Kalispell, Montana General Admission $1.00 All Students 50c Advance Tickets on Sale DONALDSON'S MEN'S WEAR CAPPS SPORTING GOODS ROBBIN ROBBIN Hospital Notes BIRTHS HILL, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward girl, Kallspell, Monday. FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil, hoy, Whiteflsh, yesterday, WHEEKLY, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe, boy, Coram, yesterday. ADMITTED WALKER, Bruce, Lakeside, ANDERSON, Lewis, Kalispell. OLSON, Mrs. Eva, Kalispell.

MORRIS, Theodore, Dallesport, Wash. SWILLER, Pete. Coram. JERSEN, John, Kallspell. WALTON, Mrs.

Leota, Columba Falls. DAVIS. Bernard, Kallspoll. DISCHARGED RASMUSSEN, Mrs. Herman, Kalispell.

LAGERQUIST, Roy, Kaltspoll. JOHNSON, James, Hungry Horse. FRAZIER, Paul, Columbia Falls. Mira. Malinda, Kalispell.

WALKER, Bruce, Lakeside, LAMLEY, Are. Helen, Alarion. P'AINE George and baby, Eureka. Whitefish Memorial ADMITTED ho*rNER, Mrs. Carolina, Columbla Falls.

DISMISSED MEHRING, Daniel, Whitefish. MIKALSON, dulle, Eureka. STACEY, Mrs. Fred and baby, Whitefish. OVERCASI, Mrs.

Lettie, Cut Bonk. Police Charge Man With Truck Theft Glen F. Stafford, Kalispell, charged with stealing a pickup truck, waived preliminary hearing on the complaint of grand larceny yesterday when ho appeared in justice court before Justice of the Peace Henry Madsen. Judge Madsen set bond at $2,500 and when it was not furnished lmmediately, Stafford WAS bound lover to district court in the custody of the Flathead County SherIff. Stafford was Arrested at his (home by Kalispell police yesterday 011 the charge of stealing 1948 pickup truck owned by Charles McKinicy of Kalispell.

Police said they were Investigating wrecked car which had plowed into drifted snow 011 South Main when they received the report on the stolen pickup. They found the vehicle ditched alongside U. S. alighway 2 east of Kallspell. Officers followed foot-prints from the pickup across a snow-covered-cluded fleld to the Stafford home and arresied him on the theft charge.

Win CAP Honors LEMAN WARKINS I RED LaROQUE Kalispell Cadets Win CAP Honors Two Kalispell cadet members: of the Civil Air Patrol were honored by the Montana Wing In Helena recently when 411 award seicening committen, comprised of GO sunlors! and endots met to solvet cadets for Incentive flights during 19.37. Cadet Lyman Warkins, Flathead County High School senior, WAS solveted 19 one of the CAP cadets to take a summer exchange trip of six weeks to one of 27 friendly foreign countries some- Umber Criticizes Honor Camp Plan HELENA (UP) Montana's lawmakers today had the advice of President James Umber of the Montana AVI-CIO that mothers of young girls would be afraid to continue to permit them in state parks and forest lands if state convicts were employed In the areas. Umber's statement carne at A public hearing 011 A bill introduced by' Sen. Charles J. Jellison (R- Flathead) which would provide for establishment of honor camps on public lands of the state.

lie also said family units prosently patronizing the public picnic areas would be apprehensive. "It seems to me there might be one bad fire which would offset all the good that could he done," said Albert Root, Kalispell, AFL-CIO legislative representative, Proponents of the measure inState Forestry Department officials and state district parole (supervisor Bill Orsello, Helena. Phone Phone SK 6-7118 The SK 6-4762 Gambles Friandly Store YELLOW TAG SALE LADIES' WINTER COATS Group I Reg. to 49.95 NOW $17.00 Group I1 Reg. to 34.95 NOW $14.00 GIRLS' COATS Sizes 3 to 14 Reg.

to 24.95 NOW $7 $10 SNOW SUITS 7 Only Reg. to 14.95 NOW $8.00 LADIES' ALL WOOL SUITS 8 Only Reg. to 17.98 NOW $7.00 BOYS' PARKAS JACKETS Reg. to 12.98 NOW $7 $8 MANY OTHER ITEMS DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR THIS SALE! John E. Staab Dies at Age 74 John Ernie Stanh, 74, died yesterday in Kallspell.

Air. Stably came to the Flathead In 1910 and lived on a farm eight miles northwest until 19-10. 110 then lived at Moscow, Idaho, and Seattle, for a time, returning to Kallspell In 19-15. He had A saw filing and repair shop al 1102 South Main 1111- 111 illness forced his retirement last August. lle 14 iN A member of linke Lodge 50 of Kalispell and Kalispell Area 234, F.0.5.

also of Kallspell. Mr. Stanh la survised by lila wife, Stella, of Kalispell; 'olght children, Laurence Staab, hallspoil, Jull. Lang. Marion, Bessto Holloran, North San Jaun, Call: Voyle M.

Stanh of Kallspelt, Wannita Nixon, Colville, Volma Walker of Walla Walla, Wash Lela Matthiaon, Klamath Falls, and Verda Carney, Kennewick, Wash. There are also live brothers amnl five sisters, 22 ngradchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Waggoner and Campbell Funeral Home. Funeral Services THOMAS EDWARD LAWLOR Requiem DIASS for Thomas. Edward Lawlor will be celebrated tomorrow 11.

9 A. 101. al St. Matthew's Church by the Rev Father William Morley, followed by burial in Conrad Memorial Cemetery, Rosary will be recited today at 8 p.m. at Waggener and Campbell Chapel.

Mr. Lawlor, 41, died Sunday. lIe was born In kalispell and spent most of his life here, State Chamber Names Schroeder Dr. Robert Schroeder of Whitefish was elected a county director of the Montana Chamber of Commerce n1 the chamber's organizational meeting in Helena. 'The group also agreed to take "detinite action against legislation that would be detrimental to free enterprise." Stops Stomach Gas 3 Times Faster Certified laboratory tests prove BELL- ANS tablets neutralize 3 times as much stomach acidity in one minute as many leading digestive tablets.

Get BELL-ANS today for the fastest known relict, 25c. time this Cadet Warkins, C.A,P. cadet communications oflivor. has hoon active in the cadet program since its Inception in December, 1053, in Kallapoll. Cadet Fred In Roque, FOBS 61 n101 who also is a charter momher of the Kalispell C.A.P.

cadet program, was solected by the group fuS vice chairman of the Montana Wing Cadet Council. The alternate cadet selected for the foreign exchange flight by the servoning board was Cadet M. Van der Ven of Stryker. Selected as it1 alternate for the Girls' Encampment at Backland Air Force Base, Texas, was Dolores I. Rein of Eureka.

Alternate for the trip to Puerto Rico, llawali or Alaska was Sharon Borup, also of Eureka, All the cadets screened were cadets who have actively taken part. in the cadet program and recolved their proficiency awards. It is the policy of the Air Force 10 award incentive flights to momhers of the CAP endet units in with their program for training for the Alr Force aux. thary, Civil Air Patrol senior members who fly search and res. cue missions for the Air Force.

Kalispoll CAP members who attended the screening meeting were Capt. Victor Guest, squadron commander; Capt. Ed Souder, commandant of cadets, and Cadets Barbara Graylo, Mike Kunda and Fred LaRoque. Divorce Granted District Judge Dean King granted 8 divorce Fob. 5 to Ruth Joan Omdahl from John Omdah! on grounds of mental cruelty.

926 LINT REMOVERS! to to no empty. new MAYTAG automatic washer rids clothes of lint, dirt and sand! Now have lint-free clothes automatically. New MAYTAG swirls lint out 926 holes in the tub itself. No pans no no gadgets. PLUS Maytag's famous 2 SPEEDS 3 WATER TEMPERATURES SUDS SAVER AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROL USE YOUR OLD WASHER AS THE FULL DOWN PAYMENT THE MAYTAG STORE 135 Second Street West Ph.

SK 6-6729 Weather Facts afternoon, tonight and tomorrow. FLATHEAD Mostly cloudy this Light this afternoon tonight. Occasional light snow tie temperature change light snow and little perature change tomorrow. High toany, nonr 37. Low tonight, 20-25.

11gh tomorrow, 30, High yesterday, 32. Low lilRI night, 25. .03 Inches. Now snow, inch at airport, A Inches in Sunset, 3 14, sunrise, 7:57. Noon temperature, 33.

Relative humidIly at 10:00 a.m.. per cent, By United Press WEST or DIVIDE Snow central and north, considerable cloudiness ex. treme south today. l'ardly cloudy Mouth, north tomoriow northern mountains. colder north tonight.

lar, temperature change, Higha both daya 30-40. Lowe tonight 10-25, light volder north and EAST OF DIVIDE Mostly cloudy, portion today. Partly clotulv elsewhere, 10.14 north tn Cold nit tonight, mostly fair rather cold temperatures no thensl A111 exitein north. 0-5 I low latter and 10-25 above elsewhere. Tomorrow fair south, partly cloudy north, antiri locally mouthwest winds alopca of Divide.

to. morrow 90. FIVE- DAY TORECAST WEST or DIVIDE: Temperatures averama below normal thru Mild at brat, trend frat of 20. Frequent Ugh 1y 001 th portion averaging 1 to 3 inches In period. EAST OF DIVIDE Temperature below normal through Wed except near normal southwest.

Slight trend portion first at work. 25-40 southwest. Lowe netow to 13 holow. Several periods baht snow, mostly north with total amounts aVer. I one to three Inches, MONTANA WEATHEN TABLE Station Max.

Min, Belgrade 35 Brondus 211 Butte 35 Cut Bank 21 Dillon 31 Drummond 34 Ga: Row Great 1 Falls Havre Helena Kalispoll Lewistown Livingston 31 City 14 Missoula 37 Yellowstone Whitehall NATIONAL TADLE .01 13 .02 28 .04 31 SEA Chicago 40 Denver 1,05 Angeles 72 Mpla. -St. Paul 32 12 Now Orleans 79 .29 Now York City 38 Phoenix 70 Sonttle 42 38 .39 Miami 73 Perry Haugen Dies at Age 79 Perry Edward Haugen, 70, died af the ('ity Hull In Columbia Palls yesterday ile had been serving as Custodian aL the city hall and had been 11 resident there the past 11 years. Mr. Haugon is survived by his wife, Neva 1., ht.

home; two daughters, Mrs. Melvin Bruce of Columbia Falls and Nra. James Neil dr. of Ginsgow; five brothCurtis of Martel, Bus. of Minneapolis, Abel And Freeman, both of St.

Paul, and Sumner of Baldwin, auri one sister, Mra. Carl P'otorson, bu of Baldwin, Wla. Funeral arrangements will ho announced hiy Waggoner And C'ampbell Funeral Home, Sheriff Takes Two to Prison Sheriff Dick Walsh escorted two prisoners to the state prison at Deer Lodge yesterday, both of whom sentenced this week by District Judge Dean King. Donald 1, Taylor of Salmon. Idaho, WAX sentenced yesterday 10 10 years at the state prison on charges of cashing a fictitious check.

Eighteen warrants had been Issued against Taylor who had been using various allases in Montana, Idaho, Utah and Washington, The second prisoner was Wallace R. Clark of Kallspell who was sentenced 10 one year In jall on torgery charges. TABLE Min, PUT IT IN CLASSIFIED AND WATCH IT SELL WANTED BOOKKEEPING Several sots small business books to handle on monthly basis. Can handle Federal and Slate Income Tax forms. CALL SK6-6876.

GIFTS that say Be my VALENTINES Heart to Heart February 14th is a day to show your love Valentine's Day What better way than to say it with a gift from Hummer's a gift symbolic of all you would like to say, easily chosen from our wide selection. Flattery Said with Flowers New Spring Dresses by Vicky Vaughn Misses For and Juniors, Women Exceptional Values 8.98 to 14.98 Toni Fiodd The Store for Women.

The Daily Inter Lake from Kalispell, Montana (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.