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Returning 35 results for 'tabaxi'.

Tabaxi Hunter


Feline Agility. When the tabaxi moves on its turn in combat, it can double its speed until the end of the turn. Once it uses this ability, the tabaxi can’t use it again until it moves 0 feet on

one of its turns.Multiattack. The tabaxi makes two attacks with its claws, its shortsword, or its shortbow.Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2;{"diceNotation":"1d20+2","rollType":"to hit","rollAction

Tabaxi Minstrel


Feline Agility. When the tabaxi moves on its turn in combat, it can double its speed until the end of the turn. Once it uses this ability, the tabaxi can't use it again until it moves 0 feet on one

of its turns.Inspire (1/day). While taking a short rest, the tabaxi can spend 1 minute singing, playing an instrument, telling a story, or reciting a poem to soothe and inspire creatures other than

Tabaxi Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. Learn More


We had a tabaxi come through once, a few winters back. She kept the taproom packed each night with her stories and spent most days napping in a chair in front of the fireplace. We thought she was

, wandering tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world’s wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive



Created by the Cat Lord—a divine being of the Upper Planes—to blend the qualities of humanoids and cats, tabaxi are a varied people in both attitude and appearance. In some lands, tabaxi

live like the cats they resemble, naturally curious and at home in playful environments. In other places, tabaxi live as other folk do, not exhibiting the feline behavior the Cat Lord intended


Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

Tabaxi Tabaxi are catfolk who hail from the land of Maztica. The ultimate wanderers, Tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. They love to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales, and lay eyes

. Tabaxi hunters are trained to survive in the wild, making them excellent guides. Tabaxi minstrels gather in small troupes and make themselves at home in any settlement, earning coin through music and

Tabaxi We had a tabaxi come through once, a few winters back. She kept the taproom packed each night with her stories and spent most days napping in a chair in front of the fireplace. We thought she

, wandering tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world’s wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi


Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Tabaxi Created by the Cat Lord—a divine being of the Upper Planes—to blend the qualities of humanoids and cats, tabaxi are a varied people in both attitude and appearance. In some lands, tabaxi live

like the cats they resemble, naturally curious and at home in playful environments. In other places, tabaxi live as other folk do, not exhibiting the feline behavior the Cat Lord intended. Tabaxi’s

Tabaxi Personality

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Tabaxi Personality A tabaxi might have motivations and quirks much different from a dwarf or an elf with a similar background. You can use the following tables to customize your character in addition

to the trait, ideal, bond, and flaw from your background. The Tabaxi Obsession table can help hone your character’s goals. For extra fun, roll a new result every few days that pass in the campaign to

Tabaxi Names

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Tabaxi Names Each tabaxi has a single name, determined by clan and based on a complex formula that involves astrology, prophecy, clan history, and other esoteric factors. Tabaxi names can apply to

list of sample tabaxi names includes nicknames in parenthesis. Tabaxi Names: Cloud on the Mountaintop (Cloud), Five Timber (Timber), Jade Shoe (Jade), Left-Handed Hummingbird (Bird), Seven

Tabaxi Hunter

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

Tabaxi Hunter Any character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher spots a tabaxi hunter (see appendix D) watching the party from a vantage point 300 feet away. If the tabaxi goes

unseen, it might shadow the characters for a while, then suddenly appear to help them fight off a tough encounter or warn them of danger in the vicinity. If this encounter takes place in Omu, see chapter 3 for more information on the tabaxi hunters found there.

Tabaxi Traits

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Tabaxi Traits Your tabaxi character has the following racial traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1. Age. Tabaxi have lifespans

equivalent to humans. Size. Tabaxi are taller on average than humans and relatively slender. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. You have a cat’s keen senses

Tabaxi Traits

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Tabaxi Traits As a tabaxi, you have the following racial traits. Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race. Speed

Two Dry Cloaks


incapacitated and the spy doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.Feline Agility. When the tabaxi moves on its turn in combat, it can double its speed until the end of the turn. Once it uses this

ability, the tabaxi can’t use it again until it moves 0 feet on one of its turns.That Thing You Need (3/Day). The hoardsperson pulls one item of its choice from the living loot satchel. This



","rollDamageType":"slashing"} slashing damage.K’Tulah is a gregarious tabaxi, a catlike humanoid. She arrived at Candlekeep six days ago and received permission to use the library to conduct her

Bag of Nails


attack roll.Feline Agility. When the tabaxi moves on its turn in combat, it can double its speed until the end of the turn. Once it uses this trait, the tabaxi can't use it again until it moves 0 feet on

Whisper Jar

Magic Items

;Tabaxi on a Hot Tin Roof2The life’s work of the loremonger who owned the jar before you3Every courageous thought you’ve ever had, to cover for how scared you are most of

Tinkers and Minstrels

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Tinkers and Minstrels Curiosity drives most of the tabaxi found outside their homeland, but not all of them become adventurers. Tabaxi who seek a safer path to satisfy their obsessions become

wandering tinkers and minstrels. These tabaxi work in small troupes, usually consisting of an elder, more experienced tabaxi who guides up to four young ones learning their way in the world. They travel in

Wandering Outcasts

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Wandering Outcasts Most tabaxi remain in their distant homeland, content to dwell in small, tight clans. These tabaxi hunt for food, craft goods, and largely keep to themselves. However, not all

tabaxi are satisfied with such a life. The Cat Lord, the divine figure responsible for the creation of the tabaxi, gifts each of his children with one specific feline trait. Those tabaxi gifted with

Fleeting Fancies

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Fleeting Fancies Wandering tabaxi are mercurial creatures, trading one obsession or passion for the next as the whim strikes. A tabaxi’s desire burns bright, but once met it disappears to be replaced

with a new obsession. Objects remain intriguing only as long as they still hold secrets. A tabaxi rogue could happily spend months plotting to steal a strange gem from a noble, only to trade it for

Barterers of Lore

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

Barterers of Lore Tabaxi treasure knowledge rather than material things. A chest filled with gold coins might be useful to buy food or a coil of rope, but it’s not intrinsically interesting. In the

tabaxi’s eyes, gathering wealth is like packing rations for a long trip. It’s important to survive in the world, but not worth fussing over. Instead, tabaxi value knowledge and new experiences. Their


Compendium - Sources->Candlekeep Mysteries

K’Tulah Neutral good tabaxi scholar (age 30) K’Tulah is a gregarious tabaxi, a catlike humanoid. She arrived at Candlekeep six days ago and received permission to use the library to conduct her

research on regional forms of folk magic. She is an animated talker whose exaggerated gesticulations while chatting annoy Varnyr, but the elf appreciates her academic expertise. K’Tulah is a tabaxi druid

7. Fallen Tree

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

7. Fallen Tree A fallen tree bridges the river ahead. Its trunk is wider than a man and stretches more than 100 feet. On both banks lie ruined buildings. An elderly tabaxi hunter named Bag of Nails

character crosses the bridge, Bag of Nails opens fire. After each shot, he leaps across the rooftops to a new firing position and tries to hide. Bag of Nails is a tabaxi assassin, with these changes: Bag of

Meeting the Captains

Compendium - Sources->Storm Lord’s Wrath

the method of conveyance. The Interview Valdi Estapaar brings the tabaxi Stands in Tar and the dragonborn Kristoffen before the characters to allow them to ask questions of the two captains. They each

plead their case for being the best ship and crew for the job. Stands in Tar staggers slightly as she stands. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that the tabaxi has been in the rum

Chapter 1: Fantastical Races

Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Githyanki Githzerai GoblinGoliath Harengon Hobgoblin Kenku Kobold Lizardfolk Minotaur Orc Satyr Sea Elf Shadar-kai Shifter Tabaxi Tortle Triton Yuan-tiMany

Omu Encounters

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

Wizard 56–60 61–70 — Shambling mound 61–65 — 51–60 Su-monsters 66–70 71–75 — Tabaxi hunter 71–75 76–80 — Undead, ghouls 76–80 — 61–65 Undead, zombies 81–85 — 66–70 Vegepygmies 86–90 — 71–80 Yellow musk

Port Nyanzaru Encounters

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

. Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a disguised yuan-ti pureblood slinking away from the scene. 8 A tabaxi minstrel (see appendix D) asks one of the characters for a

gold piece to stake her for gambling, promising to pay it back. If the character agrees, the tabaxi makes good on her promise the next day, returning a pouch containing 10 gp. 9 A thief (spy) tries to

City Inhabitants

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

three tabaxi hunters. Each of these groups can play as much of a role in the story as you desire. They could serve as enemies or as allies brought together by mutual interests. Yuan-ti Yuan-ti offer

(see area 2) serves the Red Wizards as a scribe and translator, but his loyalty to them is tenuous. The adventurers can easily befriend him. Tabaxi Hunters In the twilight of their lives, venerable


Compendium - Sources->Acquisitions Incorporated

feature again until you finish a long rest. When you use this feature successfully twice, you cannot use it again until your franchise attains the next rank. TWO DRY CLOAKS Tabaxi Hoardsperson

franchise,” and the tabaxi makes that case for her franchise every day. She believes that the contents of a hoard — as delivered to and from Head Office by way of the hoardsperson’s living loot satchel

Travel to the Cliffs

Compendium - Sources->Storm Lord’s Wrath

the Thunder Cliffs within the next tenday. The first is Stands in Tar, a jovial if slightly off-kilter tabaxi. She is known for her recklessness, but her daring has also earned her a reputation for

Chapter 3: Bestiary

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

chapter, the lore and maps in chapter 1 might inspire you. Similarly, the racial traits in chapter 2 can be applied to the stat blocks in appendix B to create such memorable NPCs as goliath champions, kenku master thieves, and tabaxi bards.

Fabled Treasures

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

home to his or her loved ones. The tabaxi hunter Bag of Nails (see chapter 3) came to Omu in search of the Navel of the Moon but failed to find it. The Navel of the Moon is set into the pendulum of a

Chapter 2: Character Races

Compendium - Sources->Volo's Guide to Monsters

reputation for working as criminals. Lizardfolk sometimes venture from their swamp homes in search of treasure and glory. Inscrutable to their mammalian companions, they prove to be stout allies. Tabaxi

Finding a Guide

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

180 pounds. Weed stands 3 feet tall and weighs about 30 pounds dry (50 pounds wet). River Mist and Flask of Wine Tabaxi siblings (Port Nyanzaru) When the characters meet River Mist and Flask of Wine

, give the players a copy of handout 8 in appendix E. River Mist and Flask of Wine (CG female and male tabaxi hunters; see appendix D) are siblings in league with the Zhentarim. Consequently, they pay

7. Evil Oracle

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

dagger. Pottery Shard, a tabaxi minstrel (see appendix D), was kidnapped while traveling from Port Nyanzaru to Fort Beluarian. Gorvax, a firenewt warrior (see appendix D) is eager to escape and return to

Lost Treasures

Compendium - Sources->Tomb of Annihilation

a great many sacrifices to function. Tabaxi thieves might try to steal the jewel and bear it safely back to Maztica, perhaps trading it for the release of enslaved loved ones. Conversely, a villain

tabaxi - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.