Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (2024)

Jasmine essential oil or jasmine absolute is the fluid extracted from different species of jasmine, being the most used the common jasmine (Jasminum Officinale) and Spanish jasmine (Jasminum Grandiflorum).

The oil is extracted mainly from Jassminum Officinale species, specifically from Grandiflorum Linn variety, which produces white flowers.Jasmine belongs to the Oleaceae family and has more than 200 species of its kind.

Thanks to its delicate flowers, jasmine is used to decorate gardens, cover pergolas and beautify walls in many parts of the world. However, due to its medicinal properties, it also has extensive use as a tonic, expectorant, sedative, astringent, cosmetic, etc.

Among the flowers, the sweet perfume of jasmine is one of the most intense,exquisite and seductive. Its essential oil is an aromatic ingredient ofthe most appreciated and attractive that are known.

Specialists define Jasmine fragrance as floral, warm, heady, exotic and sensual.

Precisely for that variety of olfactory sensations that isable to produce, jasmine essential oil is intimately linked to the perfume world, where it has been for decades, the most used white flower.

The appearance of jasmine oil is a medium viscous consistency and golden yellow to brown in color.

Jasmine essential oil blends well with other floral or citrus oils, such as sweet orange, mandarin,neroli, bergamot, geranium and rose essential oil. Also, it blends well with sandalwood, rosewood, frankincense and myrrh essential oils.

Origin of Jasmine

Also known as common jasmine, Moorish or white, it is native to northern Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Nepal, and western China.

Like many kinds of white flowers, it is the most cultivated species, not only in these countries, but in many others in the world, which is why it is already naturalized in France, Portugal, Italy, and other European countries, as well as in Florida of the United States.

Jasmine was introduced by the Arabs, who gave it the name “Yasmyn” which means “The fragrant flower”.

Nowadays it is usually grown in large quantities in a village called Grasse in the south of France. In this village, the purest jasmine oil is produced.

History Facts of Jasmine

It is said that Egyptian dynasties, Chinese emperors and kings of Afghanistan, Nepal and Persia, kept jasmine flowers in their royal gardens.

A Chinese emperor, who lived in the Sung Dynasty, kept a large amount of jasmine in the gardens of his palace because he greatly enjoyed the beauty of its flowers and its aroma.

Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (2)

The varieties of the main species of jasmine used in perfumes had found their way to Spain through the Moors in 1600. Also, major European powers such as France and Germany came into contact with jasmine for the first time in the eighteenth century.

Pakistan has named jasmine its national flower and in India, its inhabitants consider it a sacred flower.

Jasmine and its aroma

Most jasmine flowers exude an exotic and sensual aroma, which has been one of the most sought after fragrances among perfumers around the world.

In India, jasmine flowers are considered sacred, symbolizing the innocence and purity of the mind.

Jasmine garlands adorn temples and holy effigies, or are offered to the gods. First, for the beauty of their flowers, and second, for their unique scent, which according to those in the field, is worthy of the gods .

Besides, in religious festivals it is thought that the gods are present within the flowers. Jasmine flowers are never lacking in wedding ceremonies, where women like to entwine a chain of flowers with their hair, perfuming themselves with the exquisite and most sensual of natural fragrances.

Chemical composition of Jasmine Essential Oil

It has been scientifically proven that jasmine essential oil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, similar to the benefits of neroli essential oil.

These properties derive from its more than 100 components, among which the following stand out:

  • Phenylacetylic acid
  • Benzyl acetate
  • Benzyl alcohol
  • Methyl anthranilate
  • Benzyl benzoate
  • Geraniol
  • Indole
  • Linalol
  • Methyl anthranilate
  • Cis-jasmono
  • Methyl jasmonate

Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (3)

How is Jasmine Essential Oil extracted?

Jasmine oil is extracted from its flowers. These must be collected exactly at night or at dawn before sunrise, this is because once the sun reaches the petals of the flower, the oils evaporate.

From the flowers and by means of solvents, the absolute is obtained. Then, the absolute is processed by steam distillation to obtain the jasmine essential oil.

It is to be considered that, to obtain barely 1 kilogram of absolute jasmine oil, approximately 750 kilograms of flowers are needed, which is why this oil is one of the most expensive in existence.

Among the known properties of jasmine essential oil, we can highlight the following: Aphrodisiac, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antidepressant, Relaxing and Stimulating properties.

Traditionally, jasmine oil has been used in parts of China to help detoxify the body and relieve respiratory and liver disorders.

It is also applied to decrease the pain associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Here are some of the well-researched and well-known benefits of jasmine essential oil today:

  • Relieves menopausal symptoms, from hot flashes to possible pain.
  • Avoids menstrual pains.
  • Promotes the flow of breast milk.
  • Helps to fall asleep and thus avoid insomnia.
  • Soothes leg cramps and joint pains.
  • Improves alertness.
  • Alleviates spasmodic cough, stomach cramps and spasms in any part of the body.
  • In China it has been used to detoxify the body.
  • Relieves respiratory and liver problems.
  • Eases inflammation.
  • Improves the condition of irritated skin or those suffering from dryness.
  • Provides elasticity to the skin.
  • Corrects stretch marks and wound healing.
  • It is recommended for all skin types.

Jasmine Essential Oil against cancer, is it good?

Studies have determined that jasmine essential oil has the ability to reduce tumors that may be in the body, since it eliminates cancer cells and allows them to not spread throughout the area.

Even, it is believed that after the birth of the baby, jasmine oil can protect the uterine area and also ensure that there is no type of cancer cell that can cause some damage to the uterus.

It is good for hair, how to use it?

Jasmine oil should be mixed with jasmine tea and let it macerate for 24 hours. Then, apply to the hair and let it act for 30 minutes before the usual washing.

The hair will grow strong and healthy, eliminating fall problems. It also improves scalp circulation and cleans hair follicles, controlling fat levels and reducing the chances of suffering from dandruff.

What are the benefits for skin and face?

Jasmine essential oil helps to treat dry and irritated skin, providing moisture and elasticity. It isa great nourishing oil, ideal for a deep intensive facial treatment, to help smooth and revitalize the skin.

It is also beneficial for oily skin, since it balances the sebaceous secretions, that are responsible for producing fat in the skin. At the same time, it can reduce skin blemishes and regenerate tissues, helping to improve the appearance of scars, attenuate wrinkles and fine lines.

Is Jasmine Oil useful for weight loss?

Studies have shown that there is a great relationship between consuming jasmine and reducing skin fat, this is because it has the ability to control the adipocytes, also known as lipocytes, which are the cells that primarily compose adipose tissue (fat) in the body.

However, we must be very careful, since it is usually not advisable to ingest the oil, but it is recommended the consumption of its tea, or use the oil with a diffuser, as in the case of grapefruit essential oil.

While the results through inhalation are not totally effective, it can help. However, the best way to take advantage of this property is by drinking jasmine tea.


One of its most famous uses is as an aphrodisiac. Along with oil, jasmine tea is said to be particularly effective in this way, as it increases sperm production.

It also helps in the healing of frigidity and impotence. According to experts in the field, it is advisable to drink jasmine tea, and perform a massage with essential oil, to stimulate the libido before sexual intercourse.

In India, it is believed that jasmine is an infallible aphrodisiac, for this reason, the bride’s bedroom is decorated with jasmine on the wedding night. This is to ensure that the wedding night meets all expectations.


Jasmine is also wonderful as massage oil, because its restorative effects on the skin are widely noticed.

Its unique properties allow to rejuvenate the skin, through deep hydration, restoration and elasticity. Additionally, when mixed with other oils such as almond oil or fragrance-free moisturizing creams, can be used to give relaxing massages.

Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (6)

Jasmine essential oil can help improve several problems, when applied through massage, some of them are:

  • It can be used to strengthen female reproductive system.
  • Relieves muscular aches either from stress or accidents.
  • Alleviates common menstrual pain, with small massages in the area.
  • Fights dryness in the skin and irritations caused by allergies or stings.

The components resulting from the combination of oils can make it an invigorating or a soothing oil.

It is important to apply on the skin with circular movements, in order to solve any type of pain that may be in the body.

Jasmine essential oil blends well with: Bergamot oil, Cedarwood oil, Lavender oil, Lemon oil, Orange oil, Rose oil and Sandalwood oil.


Aromatherapy is the widest use that has been given to jasmine oil. This, because its intense and characteristic aroma has numerous benefits when inhaled.

By adding 6 drops of oil in water and putting them in a diffuser, any room will be impregnated with the exquisite fragrance from the jasmine flowers.

The following are some of the benefits that are obtained when using jasmine oil in aromatherapy:

  • It works as a sedative that can calm episodes of anxiety.
  • Allows to improve self-esteem, providing greater security and self-confidence.
  • Increases concentration and improve memory.
  • In case of depression, it promotes symptoms of joy and tranquility.
  • Helps to conciliate sleep in people with insomnia.
  • Jasmine oil works as an aphrodisiac, since it has positive effects in people with impotence or frigidity problems.

Jasmine essential oil can be used on all skin types, including delicate ones, as it helps to soothe irritations and redness.

In addition, it is moisturizing and provides elasticity to the skin. It is also used to improve the appearance of stretch marks, scars and disappear facial conditions such as acne.


As an antibacterial, antiviral, and natural antifungal agent, the bioactive compounds in jasmine oil have powerful antimicrobial properties. That is why it has been widely used, since ancient times, in the treatment for hepatitis, cirrhosis and dysentery. However, it is always recommended, in the first instance consult the doctor.

Gentle massage promotes its antispasmodic and analgesic effect in case of muscle cramps. It also relieves cough when applied to the chest.

To alleviate menstrual pains, it is enough to dilute in 30 ml of jojoba oil: 5 drops of jasmine essential oil, 5 of geranium essential oil and 5 more of lavender essential oil. Massage the belly with this blend, until feel relief.

Inhaling jasmine essential oil also has many medicinal effects. Its fragrance helps reduce heart rate in people with tachycardia and hypertension, as well as to reduce anxiety or depression.

By adding a few drops of jasmine oil to the bathtub it helps to relax the body.

It can combat sleep problems, allowing a perfect rest and eliminating side effects of insomnia.Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (8)

To overcome insomnia, it is recommended to apply two drops of jasmine essential oil to the pillow. This application also decreases snoring.

Jasmine essential oil acts, above all, at the mental level. It increases self-esteem, produces optimism and is one of the most seductive, sensual and feminine oils that exists.

Relieves anorg*smia, premature ejacul*tion, impotence and frigidity

Increases breast milk production in lactation

Home Uses
  • As a fragrance for rooms, curtains, carpets, etc.
  • To perfume the clothes and the closet
  • Aromatic ingredient for home cleaning products

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Pregnancy and Jasmine Essential Oil

In the case of use jasmine oil during pregnancy stage, there are some tips that should be taken into account:

  • Jasmine oil should be used after the third month of pregnancy. This is because before the third month, can cause a miscarriage.
  • The dosage should be recommended under a specialist, however the common recommendations is to use 2 to 4 drops for baths, and 4 to 6 drops for topic use.
  • Before using jasmine essential oil, consult the doctor to avoid any type of allergic reaction. Also, check if the pregnancy conditions are totally safe to use oils.

On the other hand, jasmine oil serves to relieve the symptoms that remain after childbirth, especially anxiety, depression, muscle pain and mood decay that may occur after delivery.

It is also believed that jasmine oil has the ability to increase breast milk production.

Besides, it helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks and improve healing after caesarean sections. For optimal results, mix with rosehip oil.

Is Jasmine Essential Oil good for babies?

One of the qualities of jasmine oil, is that it is good enough for babies, especially when they are disturbed by colic or can not sleep.

What is needed is to place two drops of jasmine essential oil in the pillow or add to an environmental diffuser. This will cause a relaxing effect so that the baby can have a much calmer night.

Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (9)

  • Jasmine essential oil is considered to be safe, as it is non-toxic to the skin. However, this should be used with caution, as it can be harmful in exaggerated doses.
  • It is not recommended to use it orally.
  • This oil is contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women.
  • So far, its effects have not been proven in younger children, so its use is not recommended.
  • Do not apply jasmine essential oil directly on the skin, as it could cause adverse reactions. Therefore, it is always recommended to dilute it in a carrier oil.
Possible side effects of Jasmine oil

No type of side effect has been demonstrated, as long as it is used with a carrier oils. Likewise, a patch test is recommended to rule out any type of allergy that may occur.

Where to buy Jasmine Essential Oil?

Generally, good quality oils, that is, 100% pure and not mixed with other substances, can be found in specialized natural herb stores.

If you can not reach a trusted naturist or herbalist shop near you, here are some online products recommendations:

Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (10)Jasmine Absolute Oil

Scent Characteristics: Very floral, slightly sweet and exotic aroma.

Our 100% Pure Essential Oils are extracted from the root, bark, wood, seed, fruit, leaf, or flower of a freshly harvested plant.
We source only the finest quality essential oils from highly regarded suppliers and distillers from around the world, many with whom we’ve worked with for decades.
Many of our oils are steam-distilled or cold-pressed, therefore retaining the essential odor, aroma, taste, medicinal, and therapeutic properties of the plant, resulting in a superior quality, and highly concentrated essence. Shop here.

Tips for better performance and duration of your oils:

  • Store them in a dark glass bottle, never plastic, not even when blended with a carrier oil.
  • Keep them in cool, dark places, away from sources of heat and light.
  • Maintain the container that holds it tightly closed, since they are very volatile and also, their properties would be lost or modified.

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Jasmine Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Properties and Warnings - Everphi EverPhi (2024)
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