Crib transition ideas - September 2021 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Give me all your crib transition ideas! Twin bed or full? Room is small but I’m thinking we might need to lie with him to sleep or sleep with him in MOTN.

Knob cover on the door so he can’t get out and can just call for us? Or do more things like a safety alarm on front door? We are in a ranch house. He can open door and he is not a great listener or rule follower… yet.

2.5 years old. Baby brother is 2 months and we’re thinking to transition towards the end of the summer. Was hoping to move his room so baby can have the crib, but he’s also been very possessive of this things. When baby takes a bath he says “hey that’s my bath!”

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My boys been in his own twin bed since 18m
Really his room is not child proof though he is not really a climber. He sleeps in bed plays on the floor and has a train set on his desk. He doesn't really care to open drawers either.
We also live in a ranch house. He's a big boy and he can reach locks and he will and has taken off outside. We have to lock his room at night. I also use a baby monitor so if he calls we just go open it for him and its never been an issue. I know some people "omg you lock him in his room?!"
Yes it is by far the safest thing. I don't want him leaving or hurting himself on something while I'm asleep. I have for got to lock it and he goes for the front door. I'm a light sleeper so I still did wake up.
I also have a 9m old so I did move him prior to baby coming so he could get used to it. But he loves his brother now and wants him to sleep in his bed with him haha but obviously we don't. I'll catch him cuddling his brother in the crib sometimes
He is also in the mine stage.
My suggestion is to make it super exciting for him give him a cool big boy room. I used truck sheets and a few truck painting that he loved

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We transformed the crib into the toddler bed. The transition was super easy for us. We use the door knob cover even though our son doesn’t get out of bed.

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